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From eating something which doesn’t sit right in your stomach to being diagnosed with a need for diet and lifestyle change, GI issues have become more common nowadays than you may think.

Nearly 1 in 5 Indians experience gastrointestinal issues at some point in life. Therefore, take the plunge to understand the GI issues and the reasons behind it will lead you to better health.

Simply put, there are numerous GI issues which affect millions of people every year. However, the top 5 common GI issues are described below.

GERD- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

GERD is a long-term, chronic condition in which bile or stomach acid irritates your food tube lining. It happens because your lower oesophagal sphincter is not closing properly. The most common symptom of GERD is experiencing heartburn or acid reflux several times a week. Another few symptoms include chest pain, trouble swallowing, asthma and chronic cough, regurgitation of liquids or foods and so on. Consult the best gastroenterologist in Kolkata who might suggest you a lifestyle or diet change.

IBS- Irritable bowel syndrome

Did you know IBS affect more women than men? However, the reason is still unknown. IBS, also known as spastic colon or spastic colitis, is a group of symptoms which affect the intestines altogether. However, the symptoms vary from each person to another. The most common symptoms of IBS include gas, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, pain and cramps in the abdomen. However, the symptoms often come in waves as it comes and goes frequently.


Haemorrhoids are swollen veins which are there in the lower rectum or anus. They are extremely common and that is why around 3 million people get this disease every year. It can be caused because of genetics, obesity, pain, chronic constipation or pregnancy. As per the best gastroenterologist in Kolkata, the common symptoms include pain or itching around the anus, irritation, blood after a bowel movement, itchy painful lumps outside of your anus, bleeding after a bowel movement and so on.

Celiac disease

Approximately 30% of our population lives with celiac disease. Also known as a digestive disorder, celiac disease is often the result of an abnormal immune reaction to gluten. So, the next time you hear that you have a gluten allergy it means you are allergic to a particular type of protein which is there in foods like barley, wheat or rye. If you consume gluten while having celiac disease, your body might respond by creating toxins which don’t let your body to absorb the nutrients properly.

Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease is a kind of inflammatory bowel disease which most commonly occurs in the colon or small intestine. This condition can affect any part of the GI tract with symptoms ranging in mild to major. A few symptoms of Crohn’s disease include diarrhoea, fatigue, sudden weight loss, abdominal cramping, bleeding after a bowel movement and most importantly, the sense of an impending bowel movement frequently.

Whenever you are suffering from any one of the above-mentioned conditions, it’s high time you consult the best gastrology doctor in Kolkata and seek a suitable treatment plan.